Friday, March 11, 2016

Participate 2.1.1 Collecting Reputable Digital Resources Quest


Navigating the internet can be fun, interesting, and distracting.  It is easy to get sucked in to a never ending path of link-clicking and web browsing while discovering new resources. On my search, I found many useful sights that I plan to use in the future.  The three most valuable that I found are as follows:

1. Read Write  

This site provides educators and students access to the highest quality practices and resources in reading and language arts instruction.

2. Wikiversity

This is a project devoted to learning resources and learning projects.  Teachers, students, and researchers are able to join Wikiversity and be part of a Digital Learning Community.

3. Science Net Links


This site provides resource for teacher to help make standards based experiences on the internet more meaningful for students.


Here is a link to my social bookmarking page

It is important to educate our students in a safe manner.  They can be taught to collect resources and tools by showing them the indicators for finding a credible website and teaching the how to find the initial source of information.

Participate 1.1.3 Ideal Digital Learning Community Quest

Included in this word cloud is a description of an ideal digital learning community; including what is necessary to make such a learning community attractive and welcoming for students and teachers.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Participate 1.1.2 Joining a Digital Community Quest

Digital Learning Communities are online communities where people can share and learn together.There are so many Digital Learning Communities that can be joined.  I have explored many and narrowed it down to a list of 5 DLCs that I would recommend joining.

1. Cosmo Learning  

2.Open Study
-this is a great site where students can go to get help with their studies.  With 24 hour access, students can log in and get help even if it is 1:00 am, the night before a test.

-This is a site where teacher can share ideas in their content area. What a great way to share and collaborate with other teachers.

4.Khan Academy
-This is a free educational organization that provides information about subjects such as chemistry, biology, and physics. What started with a man helping his relatives through tutorials on you Tube has grown to provide a world-class education for free.

5.Discovery Education
-This DLC provides content to schools and educational agencies. This is a DLC that I would love to join.  Not only is there a lot of content that is applicable to my work as a teacher, but it is fun, vibrant, and easily accessible.

As I explored the Social Bookmarking and Digital Learning Communities, I learned about a DLC called Cosmo Learning.   I have explored Cosmo Learning in an effort to familiarize myself with the free learning opportunities available.  They offer classes on everything from physics to art and many different educational documentaries as well.

Some Digital Learning Communities are more attractive and reputable than others.  I found myself drawn to DLCs, specifically Cosmo Learning, because I was already familiar with it.  If I hear someone mention a DLC or see it somewhere, I am more apt to join it.  Word of mouth is very important in joining a DLC. 

Participate 1.1.1 Character Traits Quest

“Students need to be educated on how to be good citizens of their country and what their rights and responsibilities are as members of society. The same issues need to be addressed with regard to the emerging digital society, so that students can learn how to be responsible and productive members of that society.” 
                                                                                         -Mike Ribble, Digital Citizenship in Schools 

As a good digital citizen, it is important to conduct yourself in the same way you in person.  Keeping this in mind, I think the three most important character traits of a digital citizen are to be responsible, respectful, and private.

1. Responsible
The digital citizen is responsible for communicating appropriately, controlling and thinking twice about everything he or she makes public.  A digital citizen is also responsible for reporting any misbehavior and standing up for those who are mistreated online.

2. Respectful
Being courteous and polite is crucial as a digital citizen.  As communicators, we may disagree with another person's views. It is perfectly acceptable to voice your opinions but it must be done in a respectful way.

3. Private
It is very important in this digital age that we keep private things private.  We must not share our own personal information including passwords, user names, and home address.  We also should not share personal information of other including inappropriate images and gossip.

To be a good digital citizen we must follow these rules and remember that your next employer may be reading what you write or seeing what you post.