Thursday, April 28, 2016

Participate 3.1.2 Digital Resources and Netiquette Quest

 Check out my Prezi of Netiquette DOs and DON’Ts

Friday, April 1, 2016

Participate 3.1.1 Access to the Digital Community Quest

Digital Learning Resources are a very valuable learning tool for the 21st century classroom. However, digital access is not created equally.  There are some obvious reasons for not being able to access Digital Learning Resources, such as socioeconomic status. I have seen several parents come in to school early to use the computers in the library at school because they do not access to the internet. Other reasons can be a hindrance for people accessing online learning such as broadband availability. 

To overcome such barriers, it is important to make Digital Learning Communities easily accessibly on a mobile phone.  People who in the past were unable to access Digital Learning Communities such as minorities or those with no college experience, are now more likely to use their phone as their main source of internet access. With this becoming more popular. It is crucial for Digital Learning Communities to be available