Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Communicate 2.1.2 Communication Guidelines Quest

In order to communicate to stakeholders in an effective way it is impotent to have a Communication Plan. All stakeholders in an educational setting will prefer to communicate in a different way so it may be necessary to dispense information in more than one way. 

A welcome email is an important way to begin an educational experience. I like to ask stakeholder to respond to the email or set up a read receipt so I know that my information is reaching the correct person. In this welcome email, it will be necessary to include information such as instructor contact information, instructions for dates and times of synchronous learning, and course access information.

Personal notes can be a valuable mode of communication. However more often teachers are turning to mass communication to inform stockholders of important deadlines, etc. Mass emails are only appropriate when the intention is to inform all stakeholders of something. Never should specific students be mentioned in mass communication. 

School policies regarding communication should be adhered to especially in regards to type and frequency of communication. It is also important to note any special needs of students. 

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