Friday, May 27, 2016

Evaluate 3.1.2 Self-Reflection on Teaching Abilities Quest

Reflection Individual Teaching Abilities 
-After reviewing the teaching observation rubric used by Georgia Virtual School, I can reflect on my current knowledge in the area of online learning. I feel that I will be able to preform well in organizing the course and the synchronous sessions. My experience in the classroom is with elementary students. I hope that I am able to provide the effective feedback necessary for my students to grow and learn from. 

Professional growth plans
- While I don't have a formal professional growth plan, I do have some goals for areas that I feel I my skills are lacking. In order to be an effective online educator, I plan to improve my ability to communicate to my students through the use of news items. I hope to have them up to date, informative, and interesting to my students. Another goal is to provide feedback to my students that will help them to improve their work. 

link to eportfolio

Below are several artifacts that demonstrate my work in the Teaching Online Open Learning platform.  

You have earned this achievement!
Well done on the Participate Skill! Through the completion of the Participate Quests and Capstone, you have successfully demonstrated the distinct qualities that enable an educator to effectively participate in a digital learning community. 
This is the badge for Verified Participate Skill work.
Being able to consistently and effectively participate with students, parents, and other educators in a digital learning community is an essential skill. To earn this distinction, proficient candidates must demonstrate that they possess qualities that allow effective participation and promote a safe, digital learning environment.

You have earned this achievement!
Well done on the Navigate Skill! Through the completion of the Navigate Quests, you have successfully demonstrated the distinct qualities that enable an educator to effectively navigate throughout digital learning spaces and management systems.
This is the badge for Verified Navigate Skill work.
Online educators remain comfortably conversant in the language of online learning environments, familiar with the digital landscape, and are able to masterfully distinguish between and move through different types of management systems. Moreover, the highly effective online user is cognizant of subtle and profound changes in electronic learning and is able to navigate into future advances in hardware and software freely.

Well done on the Create Skill! Through the completion of the Create Quests and Capstone, you have successfully demonstrated the distinct qualities that enable an educator to effectively create courses that heighten student achievement, offer differentiated instruction, and represent innovative learning.
This is the badge for Verified Create Skill work.
Create explores the knowledge and tools necessary for developing authentic educational experiences for all students, and the skill examines methods of organizing content resources and understanding formatting to ensure a more consistent and efficient process.

Georgia Virtual Learning has issued you a digital badge: "Communicate". To save it or share it on social and professional networks, click the button below.

Below is the feedback I received regarding my demonstration of understanding in the Teaching Online Open Learning platform.
"Well done on the Communicate Skill! Through the completion of the Communicate Quests and Capstone, you have successfully demonstrated the distinct qualities that enable an educator to effectively communicate with all stakeholders in an online learning environment."

Well done on the Navigate Skill! Through the completion of the Navigate Quests and Capstone, you have successfully demonstrated the distinct qualities that enable an educator to effectively navigate throughout digital learning spaces and management systems.

Well done on the Participate Skill! Through the completion of the Participate Quests and Capstone, you have successfully demonstrated the distinct qualities that enable an educator to effectively participate in a digital learning community.

Well done on the Evaluate Skill! Through the completion of the Evaluate Quests and Capstone, you have successfully demonstrated the distinct qualities that enable an educator to effectively evaluate student performance in the online classroom.

Well done on the successful completion of the TOOL course! As a Registered Participant, Quests, you have successfully demonstrated the distinct qualities that align with ÊEffective Online Teaching . Many thanks for the outstanding work! Georgia Virtual Learning has issued you a digital badge: "Create". To save it or share it on social and professional networks, click the button below.

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