Thursday, May 12, 2016

Communicate 4.1.1 Evaluation Methods and Communication Practices Quest

Communication practices ot only include dispensin ginformation about the requirements of the class, but they also must include effective feedback to all stakeholders. Feedback should be specific, constructive, and recieved in a timely manner. Feedback can be written, a synchrounous chat, over the phone, or a recorded video. Feedback is an important step in the learning process that guides students and helpd them to improve their learning.

Authentic feedback is importnat in the online learning format. Whole class feedback can be an effective tool when used sparingly.  For the most part, feedback is effective and meaningful when it is individual and specific.

An online experience is enriched through feedback. Instructor feedback ensures that the studetns understands what he/she has learned. It provides studetns with the confidence to continue to evaluate their own learning by comparing his/her work to the work previously submitted.

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