Monday, May 2, 2016

Participate 4.1.1 Digital Rights and Responsibilities Quest

The internet is a great way to reach a large learning community. With this valuable tool for disseminating information come some dangers. Through the generation of an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), the digital learning community can be protected. An Acceptable Use Policy "is a written agreement, signed by students, their parents, and teachers, outlining the terms and conditions of Internet Use." ( This policy would outline appropriate use of the digital learning materials, rules for behavior, and penalties for violation of the AUP. This legal, binding document can be used to protect members as well as the community itself.  In such digital learning community individuals will uphold laws, have safe interactions, and choose ethical resources.

The best way to maintain a DLC where citizens abide by the Acceptable Use Policy and ultimately benefit from those digital Rights and Responsibilities is to clearly explain the AUP including proper and improper use and the penalties for not following the AUP.  Included in the AUP should be clear information about Fair Use, Copyright laws, plagiarism, and cyber bullying.  The AUP should also be revisited each year to ensure it is still relevant to the current DLC and ever changing technology. 

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