Eric Faden explains the
ins and outs of copy right laws and fair use in his video A Fair(y) Use Tale.
He creatively uses bits of movies to illustrate that copy righted material can
be used if it follows some specific parameters.
Understanding the Fair Use
laws is crucial for all educators, especially online instructors. There are
four factors to consider when determining if use a particular material is
appropriate. They are:
1. The purpose of the
character and use
2. The nature of the work
3. The amount and
substantiality of the portion used in relation to the whole
4. The original piece will
not be affected in the market place
As a classroom teacher, I
never felt particularly concerned about copyright laws. I made sure that
I did not reproduce items form books that said "Do not reproduce" and
everything that I used was to teach my students and I assure you, I made no
money off of the copy righted materials. Teaching online makes me much more
motivated to understand the laws of copyright. The TEACH act helps to
protect teacher in face-to-face education as well as the online learning
format. In 1998, with the enactment of the TEACH act expanded Fair Use in the
following ways
1. Transmitting
performances of all of
a non-dramatic literary or musical work
Non-dramatic literary works as defined in the Act
exclude audiovisual works.
2. Transmitting reasonable and limited portions of
any other performance
3. Transmitting displays
of any work in amounts comparable
to typical face-to-face displays
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