There are several available options in the synchrounous delivery market for learning. The following software, be it vendor or open source, allows participants to communicate with eachother at the same time.
Adobe Connect: With this web conferencing software, teacher are able to set online meetings with students and can record solutions to problems online.
Cisco WebEx: This software allows teachers, studetns, and parents to connect online through online interactive study sessions, online meetings, and even prerecorded lessons.
Blackboard Collaborate: This is a clooaborative learning softeware that is desigend to allow for synchrounous communicaion through web conferencing as well as asychonous communication through recorede lessons.
BigBLueButton: With this software, teacher can control the audio of all users and can make anyone the presenter during live presentations. Teachers are also able to annotate their presentations to draw the student's attention to a specific point she is trying to make. Teachers are also able to record sessions and play them back at a later date.
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