Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Navigate 2.1.2 Recorded Session Quest

I chose to use Adobe connect for the Recorded Session Quest because I have beard from other users that is was user friendly.  I found this to be true.  I was able to create an account and log in n a matter of minutes. The very fist page you get to once you log in has training available to make is easy to use. I was easily able to navigate to the "help" menu and find the steps for creating a recorded session.

Record audio in the Waveform Editor

You can record audio from a microphone or any device you can plug into the Line In port of a sound card. Before recording, you may need to adjust the input signal to optimize signal‑to‑noise levels. (See either Adjust recording levels for standard sound cards or the documentation for a professional card.)
  1. Set audio inputs. (See Configure audio inputs and outputs.)
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Create a new file.
    • Open an existing file to overwrite or add new audio, and place the current‑time indicator  where you want to start recording.
  3. At the bottom of the Editor panel, click the Record button  to start and stop recording.
    Following these steps were easy and in a very short amount of time, I was able to create my own recording.

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