Friday, May 6, 2016

Navigate 3.1.2 Creation and Investigation into Courses Quest

I initially tried to create an account using Blackboard Collaborate because I have experience taking online classes using Blackboard. I spent a lot of time searching and attempting to create and account and a course. Extremely frustrated, I abandoned Blackboard for a much more user friendly application, Haiku. Using Haiku, I was able to create an account and a class with much ease.  This is a free format that will allow me to add content, embed videos from you tube, add information from Google Docs, and Skype.

I was easily able to create a course and an outline of the course. I started loading content from current Google docs and giving assignments. Each step must be completed in order to continue so you must be fully prepared when beginning.  There is no clicking around to get a lay out of the land.

There is a lot of set up involved with Haiku but I assume that is the same for all learning platforms.  When all the work is done, this will be a great way to facilitate digital learning.

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