Thursday, May 12, 2016

Communicate 3.1.2 News Quest

As an online instructor, how do you plan to incorporate news items and announcements? What resources would you reference to format news items? Create an example of a News Item and share the example in your blog. If the News Item includes a video or interactive, please share the link or, better yet, use an embed code.

Producing effective communication within the online classroom includes intigrating news items into the learning environment.  There are a variety of ways that news items can be made fun and inviting for students.  Following the copyright laws and keeping in mind the fair use policies will ensure that the contaent you include will be by the books. It is also a good idea to keep the font simple and a 12 point size. Students may be accessing information on a mobile phone or a smaller device so the way the information looks to the student is something to consider. Using all capital letters may set an angry tone and it is preferable to underline or use italics to stress the importance of information.

Here is an example of a news item I made. I would use this to give feedback to my students and to encourage them to continue to work hard. I plan to incorporate news items and announcements to make the home page eye catching and inviting. I hope to engage my students with the use of news items and help them to remember content and assignments by linking the information to an emotion, especially humor.

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