Thursday, May 12, 2016

Communicate 4.2.1 Feedback Quest

ASL I Video Assignment

Date Due: June 15th, 2016

Assignment: Create a video submission that shows roll shift. Pick any topic that has two people having a conversation. Several examples include; a conversation between a waiter and a customer, conversation between you and your sibling, or a conversation between two friends. Include 10 or more vocabulary words. Focus on signs with a minimal amount of fingerspelling.

 Please visit the followng websites if you do need help with a sign. 

1. (ASLU) - Very highly recommended.

Video Creation Instruction: Here is where I would restate directions for submitting a video.

1     1. Please remember your video is due on June 15th. I will review the video and then we will have a synchronous session where we will discuss the video together.  

2. . Let me know if you have any question on this.

3. This assignment will be graded based on the following rubric.

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